Founded in 2017, the Mikoroshini Women Group started off cultivating three acres of farmland in order to gain enough capital to launch a soap production business. Their soaps are produced locally using raw materials obtained from Ifakara. Their local production also creates jobs in the area and decreases dependence on imports from abroad.
KAZI granted the Group an interest-free and bank-cost-free loan for 1,500,00 TSH (615 CHF), which will be repaid over a 12-month period. With this financial support, the Mikoroshini Women Group intends to triple their soap production, which will then be packaged in boxes instead of plastic to reduce the impact on the environment and add to the value of the products. The well-thought-out project proposal references a growing population in the area which has led to an increase in the demand for their soaps from seven local boarding schools, three colleges and four private dispensaries. Something as simple as soap is essential for good hygiene and healthier living. By helping to meet the demand via their production, The Mikoroshini Women Group is contributing to an improved quality of life of the local population.
With their increased soap production, the Group hopes to not only increase their business’s revenue, but also the income of its workers. KAZI congratulates the Mikoroshini Women Group for their well-structured, health-improving and socially empowering project and wishes them much success!